Roland and WLC celebrate 10 years of cooperation

03. June 2022 | 40 Years, Blog, Company Infos

2022 - a special year: 40 years of Roland, 15 years of WLC and above all our successful and loyal cooperation for 10 years.

On this occasion we have celebrated a small get-together on 2nd of June 2022 at the Port of Vienna. Although the sun was beating down with above average temperatures and in a great outside setting with nice music and good food, our second Roland locomotive has been launched in its brand new loud blue design.

Christian Gutjahr, Bernd Müler, Nikolaus Hirnschall and locomotive "Rush" alias "Heinz". © APA Fotoservice / Ludwig Schedl

The locomotive and its name

In memory of the founder of Roland Spedition, Heinz Gutjahr, our locomotive was christened “Heinz”. But it still has a second name, namely “Rush”. Nikolaus Hirnschall explains in more detail why the name “Rush” was chosen.

„Rush means speed, because Roland Spedition stands for tempo, top quality and good information as well.“

Nikolaus Hirnschall

Managing Director

Portraitbild von Nikolaus Hirnschall

The spice of partnership

Leadersnet was directly on-site as well, not only to report on the celebrations, but also to ask the guests what made the two companies and their partnership special.

Learn more about it in the video below.

Note: this video is only available in German.

Successful cooperation & successful event

The successful event not only shows that WLC and Roland have been a successful team in maritime hinterland transport for 10 years now, but also how well the cooperation transcends beyond container transport.


Roland Spedition GmbH
Concorde Business Park 1/B2/32
A-2320 Schwechat

T: +43 1 728 37 43

F: +43 1 720 22 40

Terminalstraße 2
A-5071 Wals

T: +43 662 854 351

F: +43 662 854 169